Dharmendra Dholakiya
Ready to Sell your Property ?
You do have a Choice, " Better service, friendly commission"special commission package if you Qualify Buying or selling Property is a big business transaction.
The REALTOR® you select should be someone that knows the neighborhood you live in or want to live in and who can provide you with sound, effective advice. A REALTOR® also acts as a mediator during the real estate transaction and can advice you on when to bring in the other experts or professionals. ( source: OREA )
I deal with Residential and business Real Estate, also coordinate with group of professionals such as lawyer, mortgate broker, home inspector etc. so that my client gets all real estate related servcices with least effortyou can reach me at 416-834-6208
Business Listing wanted - Do you have Gas station, Food franchise, Variety store, Land ?qualified buyers ready to buy good businessHow Is the Market ?GTA has very robust real estate market where Home Sellers are getting very impressive Value of their property, year to year price increase is significant. Its very RIGHT time to Sell.Historically low iNTREST rate empowred Buyers to fulfill dream of having a HOME, low intrest rate however is not for ever and eventually will go upward, indicating current Opportunity of Buying home sooner rather than later.